

As an Energy Intuitive and Healing Facilitator, I discern imbalances in energy fields. Through intuitive guidance, colors, light and other visual or verbal impressions, I help you clear your energy field. You let go of the energetic clutter that leaves you feeling weighed down, stuck, or just “off.”

My empathic abilities, with your permission, allow me to perceive and tap into your emotional, intellectual and energetic fields. Let me be clear on this: I only see what you give me permission to see.

Once I identify the challenges, I translate them into recognizable information you can work with. We collaborate, sorting through, and release or adjust the blocks as you feel is right for you.

The energetic and subconscious shifts create space, allowing for growth, and you move forward in your life: energetically, consciously and subconsciously, and often emotionally and physically.

Let’s Get Started!

Sometimes, I discover what appear as objects. A recent client gave his permission for me to share this example: I saw a prickly pear like spiky object in his shoulder that was blocking his energy and causing pain. Together, we removed this blockage; following my guidance, he filled the space with a deep shade of turquoise. Within moments his shoulder began to feel better.

Intuitive energy clearing can result in the alleviation of physical discomfort (as just described) as well as emotional release. Most frequently, sessions leave you feeling “lighter”, “clearer” and “more at ease” with yourself and your environment.

Our work together often leads to feeling more aligned and in closer connection with your own spirit. As one said, I help you hear the messages your soul wants your consciousness to know in the NOW.

Energetic clearing is an excellent supplement to traditional therapies of the body and mind, such as physical therapy or psychotherapy.

I offer “quick blast” personal clearings (maximum of 15 minutes) to in-depth full sessions of an hour, depending on your needs.

Clear your way to your greater well-being!

Journey with ease and grace. Lucid Healing. Yours for the asking.

I’m ready for Lucid Healing…


"Nancy is an amazing person. I've always been a skeptic. If it couldn't be reproduced in a laboratory, it didn't have any validity, I believed. Then I met Nancy and she amazed me with the depth of her insight, some of which could not be explained without extra-sensory information. She helped me through some very difficult times, for which I am extremely grateful. I highly recommend her."

--Daniel, in Virginia

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